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Born in Tallahassee, FL. USA in 66'. From an early age, I loved the classic Horror's. Couldn't get enough of Science Fiction, and kinda lived in my own world up until now. I have an over-active imagination, which lead to suggestions from those closest, to embark on writing my own adventures.

So now I find myself doing exactly that...


    My interest in writing started about two years ago though in reality started when I was about 10 years old. Life being what it is, I found myself pursuing interests in technology instead. In my early teens, I discovered E.E.Doc Smith, and his writing took me on adventures in time and space, which supercharged my interest in technology, science, and the human condition. Then, there's Isaac Asimov, whose collection of stories on robotics further filled my imagination with the possibilities of things yet to come. Not forgetting ‘of course’ Arthur C. Clarke, whose tales in science fiction had me riveted to each page.

    There are many other authors, some famous, some not. But they share one common fact, and that is, I really disliked coming to the end of their novels. I wished that their stories had no ending, and the pages would simply keep on turning.


And yes, the MRI images are of me, naked as it were.

Darrick E. Mackey
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