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    For those of you who'd like a little more meat on their bone when it comes to character depth, I've elected to fill in a little extra background to the personality of Blaine. I may add another section to describe other characters, but for now I'll leave you with the following. Granted, one would normally expect to see this in the actual novel, but this is a bonus shall we say.


Blaine, as you will discover, started off quite normal as infants go. As luck would have it, he experienced a number a tragic life changing events which shaped the cold ruthless and at times bizarre nature that drives him. These events are revealed in the coming sequel, so you'll have to wait for a little while longer I'm afraid. You may at times sympathise or even like this oddity of a man, but be warned, his dark side is truly warped. As serial killers go, this one is always looking to excel, and to push the envelope where extinguishing life is concerned. The CIA not only discovered his abilities, they also nurtured the young Blaine and directed his skills to suit their own agenda.

    Blaine lacks the 'normal' human feelings like empathy, sympathy, hate, love, and fear that you and I experience on a day to day basis. It is this that transforms him into the perfect warrior that is needed in the coming apocalypse though trusting a serial killer who's love of spilling blood is akin to placing one's skull into a crocodile's jaws. So, on one side we have the worst of society along with a Zombie outbreak, and on the other there is Blaine...

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